People’s Procurement

This Jam and Justice project investigated co-production to enhance the social value of procurement decisions. Billions of pounds are spent every year by public bodies across Greater Manchester (GM) – including ten local authorities, the combined authority, clinical commissioning groups and so on – to procure goods and services. Examples range from pens and pencils, to complex computer systems, to bought-in services such as management consultancy. This is public money and where public bodies decide to spend it can have different impacts. For example, do they buy their computer systems from an organisation that pays the living wage or employs people on zero hours contracts?

Download the project report (PDF):

There is ongoing recognition that Greater Manchester needs to make its economy more ‘inclusive’, build citizen involvement and advance citizen action as a basis to public sector reform. Furthermore, public bodies in Greater Manchester are increasingly thinking about how to ensure that the social, economic and environmental outcomes that they want to deliver and have developed frameworks that consider the different ethical issues that they believe matter when they decide where they spend their money. These are typically called “Social Value Procurement Frameworks” and they help public bodies to act in a more socially responsible and ethical way in deciding how they spend their money and to influence the organisations that they work with to do the same. That much of this thinking is already happening is a massive opportunity. The election of GM's first metro mayor and more long-standing city-regional devolution also offered a timely context for people in Greater Manchester to make sure that their tax contributions and wider public spending have the best possible impact.

Existing Social Value Procurement Frameworks do not necessarily take into account or prioritise the issues that really matter to GM citizens. Working with the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), Jam and Justice's ‘People’s Procurement’ project aimed to advance this agenda by developing a ‘proof of concept’ for giving GM residents more of say in how procurement decisions are made and how their money is spent. The ideas put forward during the research project are now being taken forward by various groups, including community organisations and local authorities.

To join ongoing conversations about social value in Greater Manchester, contact the Greater Manchester Social Value Network.

News, events and blog

More than sixty people gathered at the Ziferblat event space in Manchester’s Northern Quarter to celebrate the publication of the report, How can we govern cities differently? The promise and practices of co-production.

An Evening with Jam and Justice - How can we govern cities differently? (Banner image)
Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - 17:30 to 20:00
Ziferblat, Edge Street, Manchester, M4 1HW

The Jam and Justice Action Research Collective will be sharing what we have learned and celebrating the outcomes of our projects in Greater Manchester.

As this new report from our People's Procurement project explains, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) adopted its first Social Value Procurement policy in 2014, placing the city region at the leading edge of social value procurement.

GMSVN logo
Thursday, February 14, 2019 - 09:00 to 17:00

This event is co-ordinated through the People's Procurement project. Participants will explore and plan ways to implement the proposals that emerged from an earlier joint workshop with support from GM Social Value Network.

To learn about this action research and to find out who to contact for more information, visit the People's Procurement page.

Monday, June 11, 2018 - 12:00 to 13:30
Manchester Central Library

Devolution promised to open up new opportunities for community engagement and empowerment, shifting power from Whitehall to the Townhall. One year on since the election of Andy Burnham as Mayor of Greater Manchester, Jam and Justice's Action Research Collective are hosting a debate in Manchester Central Library to discuss the changing horizons of collective decision-making in Greater Manchester.