Forging coalitions for change

How can we share our knowledge and power to change our city-region for the better?

In 2016, Jam and Justice created its Action Research Collective—engaged citizens who want to effect real and empowering change in Greater Manchester. As practitioners, activists, decision-makers, leaders and academics, we learned-by-doing about how we can co-produce urban change. We experimented with new ways of tackling big challenges in our neighbourhoods and across the city-region, whether climate change or care at home.

In 2019, we sought to connect with others to build coalitions that outlive our research. By exchanging what we have learnt with organisations and individuals in Greater Manchester, we were preparing to call for action on co-producing the city. We wanted to know what else was going on, what we have collectively learnt and what this means for acting together in the future. We dream of Greater Manchester modelling inclusion, a city-region where decision-making is shared with all its citizens. We hoped to co-produce a call for action, and to work towards pioneering Greater Manchester as a leading example of a co-productive city.

We invited those living and working in Greater Manchester who share a passion for participation, to register interest in forging coalitions for change in the city-region.

The process was curated by Jam and Justice and we held key events in January, March, and in National Co-Production Week (1st-5th July).

It's not too late to join in: use #CoProduceGM on Twitter, or follow the activity of other co-producers on the @JamandJustice #CoProduceGM list.