The Action Research Collective

The Action Research Collective (ARC) was brought together by the Jam and Justice team in November 2016. Our process of recruitment to the ARC began with a launch event held at the People's History Museum in May 2016, followed by three hands-on workshops to find out more about the research. We met with interested participants, went on recces across the city-region and tried to spread the word through our networks and supporters. We had 50 applicants making the final selection a difficult decision! We finally selected our ARC to bring diverse people together who collectively had different kinds of skills and expertise and brought roots, reach and relationships to the project.

At project end (July 2019) Jam and Justice ARC members included:

Previous members of the Jam and Justice ARC who we want to thank and recognise for their role in influencing and shaping the direction of the work include:

  • Dave Fraser, Team Leader, Community Cooperative
  • Roxy Legane, Youth Engagement Worker, formerly Alumni Network Lead, RECLAIM
  • Jenny Rouse, formerly of Centre for Local Economic Strategies and now Head of Regional Funding, North West, Big Lottery Fund.

The ARC co-initiated action research projects to test and learn about different ways of getting citizens involved in decision-making in Greater Manchester. Through this process we set up action research teams (ARTs) to develop, deliver and evaluate the projects.

Our Jam and Justice ART members include: