Exploring an English Co-Production Network - the video
Back in March, Beth Perry and others from Jam and Justice took part in an event exploring the potential for an English Co-Production Network.
The event was organised by Co-Create with UCL's Centre for Co-Production in Health Research. As the event booked out, Realising Just Cities helped record key parts of the what was said to share more widely. You can also read what's said in the video in the transcript below. You can also read a summary from Danie Woodbridge of Co-Production Oxford.
Here is the official video, with thanks to Alice Toomer-McAlpine (At The Moment Productions):
At the event, people recognised the importance of making things accessible. The automated video subtitling includes some errors. So here is a written version of what is shown and said:
On March 28 2019, those embedding co-production into services and strategy gathered in Manchester to share skills and knowledge and explore creating an English Co-Production Network:
Morwenna Foden, South Yorkshire Housing Association | Co:Create:
One of the unexpected side products of Co:Create was that we met loads of lovely fellow co-producers along the way. It felt like there was a real need to get together and share not only our passion for it, but also some of the 'how to do it'. We're going to start by hearing about best practice in networks and how networks work from 3 different people:
Beth Perry, University of Sheffield | Realising Just Cities:
So when we talk about co-production, we mean 3 things. We mean the changing relationship between citizens and the state, which might be about public services, it might be about involvement in different government structures. We also mean about how citizens, residents make and reproduce themselves in their everyday lives, whether the state's involved or not. And the last thing I'm interested in is what this means for us as academics...
Niccola Hutchinson-Pascal, UCL:
Researchers often see themselves as the expert and everybody else as perhaps there to input if they fancy it. This, we completely try to break down in what we're doing...
Noreen Blanluet, Co-Production Network Wales:
The more we looked into it, the more we thought OMG this is completely amazing, the transformation, the impact we have on people's lives and the work with people who deliver the services and support is just completely mind-boggling and when it's done properly, it's just life-changing...
[A diagram shows how the group divided for workshops in the late morning and early afternoon.]
1) Co-Production Swapshop
Caption: "The Thinking Council tool was used to collectively work through a question around co-production put forward by a member of the group."
[Epiphany (Co:Create):] We will go round in the circle and offer, some thoughts...
[Danie (Co-Production Oxford):] Is there a way that us as a group can work towards creating a single message that enables people better?
2) Evaluation for Co-Production
[Hayley (People's Voice):] lots of little incremental changes make bigger changes. We always end our session [by asking each person] 'Based on the learning in this room today, what can you do to effect that change?"
3) Co-Evaluation Workshop
[Rachael (Co:Create):] What we mean by co-evaluation is not only involving people giving feedback and telling us about the effectivenss and quality of that service but also involving those people in deciding what improvements need to be made and potentially even helping us deliver those improvements as well...
Thinking Together about the next steps
What we're going to spend the time thinking about, what would a network look like? Is it needed? Does it build on what's already there or not? It's fine if we go away from today thinking it's not needed, but now we know what's out there and how to connect with each other. or it's fine if we go away with a bit of a plan.
Where we've got to is, we do want to do this and that people are keen that a network exists, that legislation is a key part of this and can we lobby to change that legislation, that we need to establish an agreed approach, aims and adjectives, that we need to try and establish some funding to suypport it. That perhaps we need to map out what's out there already so that we're not duplicating effort, and that it's very inclusive, that everything available is in plain English and accessible.
Closing reflections
Kate, SCIE:
I've appreciated the honesty today. We've talked about the challenges and we've looked forward as well. So I've just really appreciated feeling inspired again.
It's been quite innovative, and I'm hoping collaborative.
It's so nice to see that we've all got different views but we've got one common ground.
It's made me feel that I'm not alone, so thanks for what you've done today.
[Slide with logos: UCL, Co:Create, UCL Centre for Co-Production in Health Research.]
Caption: Many thanks to Realising Just Cities for funding this video.