Coproducing Urban Governance Special Edition Published
There are many critiques of existing forms of urban governance as not fit for purpose. However, there is just as much contestation over what alternatives might look like. Coproduction is proposed as a response to address complex wicked issues. Achieving coproduction is a highly complex and daunting task. Bottom up approaches to the initiation of coproduced governance are seen as fruitful, including exemplification of utopian alternatives though local practices. New ways of seeing the role of conflict in participation are needed, including ways to institutionalise agonistic participatory practices.
This special edition of Politics and Governance, produced by Liz Richardson, Catherine Durose and Beth Perry, brings together academic contributors to reflect on these issues and explore more nuanced understandings of coproduction, grounded in explicit weightings of different values for urban transformation.
The special edition features two articles from researchers in the Jam and Justice team. The first is by Beth Perry analysing work undertaken in the Mistra Urban Futures centre around local interaction platforms as new ways of organising coproduction for more sustainable urban development. The second is by Dan Silver and features his work on everyday radicalism and the importance of the everyday as a potential site for social change.
The introduction to the special edition and articles mentioned, can be downloaded below.