Care at Home Inquiry - report published

Care at Home - the cover of the report showing an image from the inquiry

What would it take to help people to have a good life at home for as long as they choose?--

After months of intensive work Shared Future CIC have published the report of the Inquiry into the Challenge of Care At Home. This Inquiry is one of ten projects set up by Jam and Justice's Action Research Collective.

Characterised as "a unique opportunity to improve Care at Home services in Greater Manchester", the report includes the outcomes of the December stakeholder event where core recommendations were first revealed.

Announcing the report's publication, Shared Future said:

We want the people who deliver, commission, campaign for or otherwise support ‘Care at Home’ services, particularly for the elderly, to take on this challenge by implementing, as far as possible, the ‘Recommendations of the Care and Home Inquiry’.

Read the full announcement on Shared Future's website, where you can then download a copy of the report.

Jez Hall explains how the inquiry was conceived and carried out, based on his perspective as Director at Shared Future and ARC lead for the Care at Home Action Research Team:

In a rush? You can also download the report below: